
Showing posts from May, 2009
“Hmmm, haven’t done that in a long time,” was the first thing that popped into my mind. It was in response to a request to preach, or teach, a series on how to understand the Christian doctrine of The Trinity, i.e., One God in Three Persons. My guess is that most of us have wrestled with this image of God and either come away with an analogy that works for you, or have been left totally confused or have decided to just accept this on faith while leaving the details to heavier thinkers. But in a modern world were the fastest growing segment of our population is prone to find fault with any concept of God and where people of other faiths want to know our understanding of God, leaving the sticky details to someone else can be problematic. As far back as the first century the Church has struggled to explain Jesus’ divine nature, his connection to the "One" God found in the Hebrew Scriptures, and the profound evidence of God’s work in the world that continues in Jesus’ absence. A

just getting started

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