
Showing posts from September, 2019

A Little Irritated

If you noticed the date of my last contemplation you might ask, "Where have you been?" Well, I grew tired of blogging. No, actually, I just ran out of things I wanted to say. Or, perhaps it was that I had said enough. I'm not totally convinced I have more to say but we'll see. What hasn't changed is the thought of a hot, steamy cup of coffee that gets me out of bed each morning. For years now we have found nothing better than an offering from Central Market, brewed by a company in San Antonio, called "Dallas Blend".  Stumbled across it, like I said, several years ago, tried a few others from time to time but keep coming back. Contemplation goes best with coffee, so, get your cup and lets go. Drove by a beautiful church the other day. The architecture reminds me of something in Europe only with a modern touch. Must admit I've admired it jealously for sometime. Whitestone sign out front bears its name under which is the identifier, “Bible