A Little Irritated

If you noticed the date of my last contemplation you might ask, "Where have you been?" Well, I grew tired of blogging. No, actually, I just ran out of things I wanted to say. Or, perhaps it was that I had said enough. I'm not totally convinced I have more to say but we'll see.

What hasn't changed is the thought of a hot, steamy cup of coffee that gets me out of bed each morning. For years now we have found nothing better than an offering from Central Market, brewed by a company in San Antonio, called "Dallas Blend".  Stumbled across it, like I said, several years ago, tried a few others from time to time but keep coming back.

Contemplation goes best with coffee, so, get your cup and lets go.

Drove by a beautiful church the other day. The architecture reminds me of something in Europe only with a modern touch. Must admit I've admired it jealously for sometime. Whitestone sign out front bears its name under which is the identifier, “Bible Church".

Don't know exactly why but on this particular occasion I found this a little irritating. Could be the combination of a television advertisement I saw for a church proclaiming in a snobbish tone, "We teach the Bible".  This should go without saying but the implication was clear, "We alone are the sole possessors of Biblical truth."

Now if you know anything about religious history you understand that no matter what flavor of faith practice people adhere to, the name of that flavor is only the beginning. Within that religious identifier will be a variety of divisions founded on some nuance of holy guidance originated by an ancient saint within that tradition.  In my religious preference, of which I am most familiar, there are no less than three hundred such branches. And, within each of these branches there are varieties of understandings that can be placed randomly on an ever evolving line from conservative to progressive; all of which are based on the same holy texts.

Seems preposterous to me for anyone to claim exclusive rights to holy truth. Which is likely at the root of many who have decided rather than choosing this or that flavor of faith to simply opt out with the claim of being "spiritual". Which I'm not sure exactly what that means but likely the intent being that you don't define it therefore you can't argue with what it is or isn't. It is vague enough to allow for self-definition and give ample room to roam wherever one might feel directed.

So, who then does decide what is the truth on which life can be based? The answer is not as hard as it might seem but will take another cup of coffee, or two. Get yours but stay tuned.


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